
Buildingmaterial-Hub with free CAD- & BIM-Textures

mtex_37517, Concrete, Fair faced concrete coated, Architektur, CAD, Textur, Tiles, kostenlos, free, Concrete, Holcim
mtex_37517, Concrete, Fair faced concrete coated, Architektur, CAD, Textur, Tiles, kostenlos, free, Concrete, Holcim

Concrete Type 3 Vertical – RAL 4010 | Telemagenta

Coated concret

Coated concret

mtex_37517, Concrete, Fair faced concrete coated, Architektur, CAD, Textur, Tiles, kostenlos, free, Concrete, Holcim

Concrete Type 3 Vertical – RAL 4010 | Telemagenta

Coated concret

Coated concret

Material information & characteristic values

Material NameConcrete Type 3 Vertical – RAL 4010 | Telemagenta
Product LineFormwork typ 3 vertically | RAL colors
mtextur ID37517
TypeConcrete / Fair faced concrete coated
eBKPC 2.1 Aussenwandkonstruktion / C 2.1 External walls / C 2.2 Innenwandkonstruktion / C 2.2 Internal walls / C 4.1 Decke / C 4.1 Suspended slabs / I 2.1 Retaining walls / I 2.1 Stützmauer / I 2.2 Freestanding walls / I 2.2 Frei stehende Wand
IFCIfcCovering / IfcSlab / IfcWall
Area of application (mtextur Classic)Inside / Wall / Facade
Outside / Wall / Facade
Delivery zonesCH / DE / NL / FR / IT / AT / BE / CA / US / ES / NO / LI / MX
Material InfoCoated concret